General Question

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The standard in the market now is 2 million but some plans are 1 million or 500k.
This means that the total amount of claims over the course of your lifetime cannot exceed this amount.

The amount that you’re covered for.

A deductible is a set amount you may be required to pay out of pocket before your plan begins to pay for covered costs. Not every health plan has a deductible, and this amount may vary by plan.minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation

A provider is a doctor, lab, hospital or pharmacy. 

Health screenings are a requirement depending on the company and age of the insured person.

Most policies have a 31day grace period wherein you can pay the premium with no penalty or interest. If you have a term policy and do not make the payment within this grace period (to avoid having to reinstate) your policy will be cancelled.
If you have a permanent policy, you can authorize the insurance company to draw your premium from your policy’s cash value.

Term policy is a policy that is for a specific period of time (5 years, 10 years, age 65 ). Due to the fact that it doesn’t have cash value or dividends it is less costly.

Death benefit is the face amount that you’re covered for. In the event of your passing, your beneficiaries will receive this amount from the insurance company.

No, insurance prices are fixed. The benefit of choosing to get insured through a broker is that we can shop with all insurance companies and offer you the best for you personally.

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